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Crossing the Blues

More about Blovetbeauty :)

Here’s a pretty long trivia that I read on someone else blog.. can’t remember who though. Its informal, isn’t too serious and it’s a chance for me to share a little bit of myself with you guys :)


The Vital Statistics -

Me - Lane

Nicknames – Laney and Ah Lane ( People who speak dialect usually address me as such)

Birthday – 3rd November

Place of Birth - Singapore

Zodiac Sign –Scorpio * Don’t worry, I don’t sting that bad *

Male or Female - Female

Occupation – Designer, Marketer, Salesperson, Passionate blogger

Screen Name – Blovet beauty

Appearance – Presentable with Makeup. Horrid without.

Hair Colour – Blackish Brown

Hair Length – Slighty longer than my shoulder. I never have it above my ears, that’s for sure.

Eye Colour – Brownish

Best Feature – My BIG BUM! Thks Kim for making a big bum fashionable hahaha

Height - 5'2"

Braces - Nope

Glasses -  I have a super lazy right eye. I wear glasses when I DRIVE and at work .

Piercings – 2 on each ear, I want one more on my nose

Tattoos - Nope

Righty or Lefty – I wish I was a lefty

Your 'Firsts'

First Best Friend – Gerry aka * cherrybombpie  ( i adore this girl)

First Award – I can’t recall, either for ballet or some sports. I used to be super sporty … I can’t play musical instruments for nuts though.

First Sport you joined – Swimming & Ballet ( I’m proud to say I got straight distinction for ballet even though I couldn’t remember the terms of all the different poses) . I‘ve done  a ton of sports after that, volleyball, netball, wakeboarding, para gliding, horse riding… My passion will always be DANCE though…

First Real Vacation – I remember Batam – so relaxing & I loved the boat ride there :)

First Concert – hmm..Can’t remember

First Love – When I was young, I had a crush on this fat round boy. He spoke well and was a rich kid but as luck would have it, I looked really ugly as a child and didn’t even stand a chance


Movie – Lord of the Rings, God Father, Rurouni Kenshin( all the versions), Matrix, I am a fantasy type of girl. But I don’t like Harry Potter that much.

TV Show –MTV Made, Prison break, Smallville, Trashy Reality shows. I still prefer anime though.

Candy – Hmm PEcan bun from SWISS BAKE, sweet breads :)

Restaurant – Nil. I dun like restaurants.

Store – cotton on, forever 21, zara, bugis market,top shop

School – err.. SNGS – PHS – TPJC - NUS – Working World ( the real school)

Book – I read mostly fantasy books and some cook books…

Magazine – Home & Decor, Bella Australian Edition, POPTEEN, My absolute favourite has to be TOKYO GRAFFITI,VIVI ( luv this too), many of the Jap beauty mags…CECi

Shoes – flip flops & converse & Boots


Feeling – fustrated with work

Single or Taken - Married

Eating – nothing

Typing - this

Online – reading blogs, you tube, mixpod

Listening to – Lil boots, Klaxons, Kasier Chiefs, goldfrapp, anime stuff, chet baker, oldies

Thinking about – my hungry tum tum

Wanting – to earn a million bucks & treat friends and family to a shopping sphree & do a donation for endangered animals…

Watching – Nothing

Wearing – Tee & pants. Comfy Home stuff.


Want Children? yes!

Want to be Married? Done this, TICK!

Careers in Mind – Clueless. Focused on what’s on my plate currently

Where do you want to Live? Somewhere which has the Germans’ pace of life, Singapore’s Shopping Malls, Nice english speaking place like UK…. hmm…I think I am a complete oxymoron. If I really had to settle, it would be where FAMILY is.

Have you ever..?

Kissed a Stranger? no

Had Alcohol? yes

Smoked? no

Ran away from home? no need to

Broken a Bone? No

Got an X-Ray? yes

Broken someones heart - yes

Broken Up with Someone - yes

Cried when someone died – yes yes yes

Cried at School – rarely, but yes

Do You Believe In:

God - yes

Miracles - yes

Love at First sight - no

Ghosts -  yes

Aliens - yes

Soul Mates – Yes, I’m with him now.

Heaven - Yes

Hell - Yes

Kissing on the first date – hmm… depends  on how much u like the person & how much u can trust him??

Yourself -  hmm… my gosh, i am struggling with this, I’m honestly not sure.

okie, feel free to do this if u want to :)

ciao bellas~