Simmons declined to comment on accusations she spiked the price of her products and then refused to reimburse Macy's for the extra cost, the New York Post reported Sunday.
Simmons signed an agreement in September 2006 to provide Macy's with her beauty line, said the lawsuit filed last week in Manhattan Supreme Court.
Clearly Kimora was acting under the principals of Laws #1 and #8 from the "Work & Power" section of her lifestyle book Fabulosity:
Law #4: "Throw Away the Manual (or in this case the contract) and Find Your Own Way into Business"
Law #8: "Don't Let Other People Cash in on Your Game"
Bored wealthy housewives, unskilled children of famous people and mediocre pop stars create overpriced product lines all the time, why shouldn't Kimora get in on that action? After all times are tough right now and the tens of millions she probably got in her divorce settlement is not going to last forever people! I mean Macy's carries Coach bags and if that isn't some overpriced ish right there then I don't know what is. If Kimora wants Baby Phat to be an aspiration line then why shouldn't she aspire for more profits?
Now that The Man wants his money back Kimora should probably focus on this selection (taken from Law #6 section) to get out of this mess:
Law #6: "Activate your incredible female power to deal with adversity"
And if that doesn't work, maybe she could throw a couple dozen cases of Golden Goddess their way and call it even.